Jumat, 19 Juni 2009

Skema Sertifikasi Lembaga Registrasi Profesi Registered Nurse indonesia

Sekretariat LRP-RN Ikatan RN Indonesia
gedung Graha Samali Lt 2, Jl. H.Samali, pejaten- Jakarta-Selatan
Telp. &email ; Fax.: 021-7224441, e-mail : rn.indonesia@yahoo.com

Dalam hal pendidikan dan pelatihan pra uji RN, skema ini dapat dipergunakan sebagai acuan dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan dan pelatihan berbasis Profisiency. Disusun dalam rangka memenuhi acuan asosiasi Industri dan organisasi profesi dalam rangka membangun system sertifikasi profesi keperawatan Indonesia dan menciptakan professionalisme keperawatan Indonesia. Skema ini dapat gunakan sebagai pedoman dalam pelaksanaan uji proficiency Registered Nurse ( RN ) di Indonesia

1. Justifikasi

UU No. 13 tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan

UU No. 23 tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Kesehatan Nasional

PP No.23 tahun 2004 tentang Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi

PP No.32 tahun 1996 tentang Tenaga Kesehatan

Panduan Mutu Registrasi RN Indonesia (ISO 17024)

Tuntutan persyaratan MRA

Tuntutan industri ( PERSI, ARSADA, dll )

2. Ruang lingkup

2.1 Bidang : Regitered Nurse ( RN ), jasa Keperawatan Professional

2.2 Lingkup :

2.2.1 Standar WPSEAR ( 18 Core Competencies RN )

3. Tujuan

Atas dasar di atas, kami tetapkan tujuan Lembaga Registrasi Profesi RN adalah:

ä Menetapkan dan meregistrasi perawat kompeten dengan kualifikasi RN Indonesia

ä Memelihara dan mengembangkan kompetensi profesional RN Indonesia

ä Menata lingkup dan standar mutu pendidikan profesi RN Indonesia

ä Meningkatkan standar mutu pelayanan profesi RN Indonesia

4. Organisasi pengusul:

· Persatuan Rumah Sakit Seluruh Indonesia (PERSI).(surat No.: 450/1B1/PERSI/III/2009).

· Asosiasi Rumah Sakit Daerah (ARSADA) seluruh Indonesia (surat No.: 66/ARSADA/UMUM/V/2008).

· Ikatan RN Indonesia (IRNI).

5. Kualifikasi

Berdasarkan kesepakatan yang tertuang dalam Mutual Recognition Arrangement on Nursing services yang ditanda tangani pada 8 desember 2006 di Cebu-Phillipina, maka ditetapkan Uji proficiency mengacu pada kualifikasi General Registered Nurse yang berpedoman pada Standard Internasional ”18 Core Competencies” bagi negara-negara Asia-Pasific. Yang diadopsi dari standard WPSEAR melalui proses harmonisasi yang telah di verifikasi oleh BNSP selaku regulator standard.

Sertifikasi RN dilaksanakan mengacu pada standard Internasional “ 18 core competencies” (WPSEAR) :

Unit Kompetensi 1

Mengakui dan menerima kemampuan personal serta tanggung jawab terhadap seluruh aspek praktik profesional

Unit Kompetensi 2

Memahami dan memperagakan pengetahuan tenteng kerangka legal dan etik dari system kesehatan terkait keperawatan.

Unit Kompetensi 3

Pemahaman dan penggunaan kerangka membuat keputusan etis.

Unit Kompetensi 4

Mengembangkan asuhan yang memperhatikan budaya

Unit Kompetensi 5

Berkontribusi terhadap kerja team multi disiplin yang efektif dengan mempertahankan hubungan kolaboratif.

Unit Kompetensi 6

Menjamin konsisternsi , qualitas asuhan yang holistik berkelanjutan

Unit Kompetensi 7

Menciptakan dan mempertahankan lingkungan yang aman melalui Quality Assurance dan strategi managemen resiko.

Unit kompetensi 8

Mendemontrasikan pemahaman tentang praktek pengobatan tradisional bagi individu keluarga, dan atau system kepercayaan masyarakat.

Unit kompetensi 9

Mendemonstrasikan pemahaman tentang kesehatan nasional, sosial, dan proses keperawatan.

Unit kompetensi 10

Membangun hubungan interpersonal berdasarkan pada keyakinan dan kepercayaan publik.

Unit kompetensi 11

Menampilkan kesadaran budaya dan sensitivitas dalam hubungan komunikasi verbal/non verbal.

Unit kompetensi 12

Penggunaan kesehatan dan teknologi informasi yang tepat dan efektif

Unit kompetensi 13

Menghargai setiap pasien/klien tanpa membeda-bedakan etnik, agama atau faktor lainnya.

Unit kompetensi 14

Menyediakan peran serta penasehat hukum bagi hak-hak pasien dan memberi wewenang kepada pasien/klien untuk membuat keputusan berkenaan dengan asuhan yang akan diberikan.

Unit kompetensi 15

Mempertahankan kompetensi dengan terlibat langsung dalam kegiatan pengembangan dan pendidikan professional.

Unit kompetensi 16

Pemahaman terhadap prinsip peningkatan kualitas secara berkelanjutan ( continous quality improvement /CQI ) dan menerapkannya dalam paktek.

Unit kompetensi 17

Menyatukan dan mengkomunikasikan pandangan yang jelas tentang keperawatan dalam struktur kesehatan di tempat kerja.

Unit kompetensi 18

Menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang aman

6. Permohonan

Berdasarkan permintaan pemohon, LRP-RN memberikan uraian rinci yang mutakhir mengenai proses registrasi untuk setiap skema registrasi yang sesuai (termasuk biaya). Di samping itu LRP-RN memberikan dokumen yang memuat persyaratan registrasi, hak pemohon, serta kewajiban profesi yang diregistrasi termasuk kode etik profesi.

6.1 Uji proficiency (Assessment)

6.1.1 Uji Profesiensi diselenggarakan mengacu kepada Standar RN Indonesia (adopsi standar RN kawasan ASEAN & Pasifik Barat / 18 Core Competencies WPSEAR)

6.1.2 Uji Profesiensi diselenggarakan oleh Bidang sertifikasi LRP-RN Indonesia yang direncanakan khusus dan sesuai dengan kalender rencana kerja LRP-RN.

6.1.3 Uji Profesiensi menggunakan metode uji Tertulis berbasis kertas ( paper base ) dan atau komputer base dengan jumlah soal sebanyak 150 (seratus lima puluh) buah soal yang diselenggarakan dalam waktu maksimal 4 (empat) jam dalam 1 (satu) hari penyelenggaraan.

6.1.4 Uji Profesiensi RN mengacu kepada Materi Uji proficiency untuk Dasar-dasar Keperawatan (fundamentals of nursing), Keperawatan Anak (pediatric nursing), Keperawatan Jiwa Psikiatri (psychiatric and mental health nursing), Keperawatan Maternitas – Bayi (maternal – infant nursing), dan Keperawatan Medikal Bedah (medical-surgical nursing)

6.1.5 Uji Profesiensi diselenggarakan pada tempat uji yang telah terlebih dahulu ditetapkan oleh LRP-RN.

6.1.6 Uji Profesiensi diselenggarakan dengan pengawasan langsung dari evaluator yang diberi tugas oleh Bidang sertifikasi LRP-RN dan atau para pemangku kepentingan dengan terlebih dahulu membuat pengajuan kepada Bidang sertifikasi LRP-RN.

6.2 Persyaratan calon peserta (Pre-requisite of candidate)

A. Persyaratan Pendidikan:

· Jenjang pendidikan minimal Sarjana Keperawatan / SKp (lengkap), atau S.Kep harus menunjukan bukti sah telah selesai program profesi ( sebagai bukti telah memenuhi periode 1000 jam praktek klinik ).

· Jenjang pendidikan dibawahnya yang telah memenuhi persyaratan (recognision Prior Learning/RPL ) dari Badan PPSDM-Depkes R.I.

B. Persyaratan Pelatihan:

Tidak ada persyaratan khusus pelatihan.

C. Persyaratan Pengalaman Klinik:

· Sarjana Keperawatan / SKp (lengkap) dengan pengalaman klinik 0 (nol) tahun, atau S.Kep harus menunjukan bukti sah telah selesai program profesi ( sebagai bukti telah memenuhi periode 1000 jam praktek klinik ).

· Jenjang pendidikan dibawahnya yang telah memenuhi persyaratan klinis dari Badan PPSDM-Depkes R.I.

· Melakukan Praktek klinik keperawatan terkini ( RCC ) dibuktikan dengan port folio dari Instansi kerja ( bagi calon peserta baru ) dan mengisi daftar log book berkala dan port folio dari instansi klinis ( bagi calon peserta lama/re-sertifikasi ) sebagai bukti kompetensi terpelihara dalam kurun waktu 12 bulan terakhir.

6.3 LRP-RN mensyaratkan kelengkapan permohonan, yang ditandatangi oleh pemohon yang meminta registrasi dan mencakup:

a) Lingkup registrasi yang diajukan;

b) Pernyataan bahwa yang bersangkutan setuju memenuhi persyaratan registrasi dan memberikan setiap informasi yang diperlukan untuk evaluasi;

c) Rincian kualifikasi yang relevan didukung dengan bukti dan rekomendasi;

d) Informasi umum pemohon, seperti nama, alamat dan informasi lain yang disyaratkan untuk identifikasi Profesi.

6.4 Persyaratan permohonan registrasi

6.4.1 Persyaratan dasar: Mengisi formulir permohonan. Melampirkan masing-masing 2 (dua) lembar: Foto copy terlegalisir Ijasah pendidikan keperawatan terakhir Foto copy KTP / Pasport / Kitas Surat Rekomendasi dari Pimpinan / Atasan Langsung / Rekan Kerja. Surat Keterangan Pengalaman Klinik (selain yang berpendidikan SKP (lengkap)). Surat keterangan telah selesai program profesi bagi Skep (fresh graduate) non pengalaman Membayar biaya Sertifikasi sebesar Rp. 2.500.000,- (dua juta lima ratus ribu rupiah) Membuat Pernyataan untuk memenuhi semua persyaratan Pemegang Sertifikat RN.

6.2.2 Hak, Kewajiban dan Sanksi Pemohon Sertifikasi Kompetensi sbb: Pemohon yang telah melengkapi dokumen permohonan dan telah memenuhii persyaratan akan mendapat informasi dari LRP RN selambat-lambatnya 5 (lima) hari sebelum pelaksanaan asesmen. Pemohon berhak mengikuti tahapan proses sertifikasi kompetensi berikutnya. Pemohon berhak memperoleh Sertifikat RN sesuai permohonannya setelah dinyatakan kompeten dan penetapan hasilnya oleh LRP RN paling lambat 12 hari kerja setelah proses uji proficiency selesai. Masa berlaku Sertifikat selama 3 (tiga) tahun Selama masa berlakunya Sertifikat RN, maka pemegang sertifikat berkewajiban menjaga dan memelihara kompetensinya. Pemegang sertifikat berkewajiban mengikuti program surveilen sesuai syarat dan prosedur surveilen LRP RN. Pemegang sertifikat berkewajiban menjaga profesinya dan apabila melakukan pelanggaran profesi, maka pemegang sertifikat akan dikenakan sanksi berupa pembekuan atau pencabutan sertifikat sesuai dengan ketentuan yang ditetapkan oleh LRP RN

LRP-RN Indonesia

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Registered Nurse

A registered nurse ("RN"), is a health care professional responsible for implementing the practice of nursing through the use of the nursing process in concert with other health care professionals. Registered nurses work as patient advocates for the care and recovery of the sick and maintenance of their health. In their work as advocates for the patient, RNs use the nursing process to assess, plan, implement, and evaluate nursing care of the sick and injured. RNs have more training than licensed practical nurses.

United Kingdom
See Nursing in the United Kingdom for more information.
To practice lawfully as a registered nurse in the United Kingdom, the practitioner must hold a current and valid registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council. The title "registered nurse" can only be granted to those holding such registration. This protected title is laid down in the Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors Act, 1997.[1]

[edit] First level Nurses
First level nurses make up the bulk of the registered nurses in the UK. They were previously known by titles such as RGN (registered general nurse), RSCN (registered sick children's nurse), RMN (registered mental nurse) , RNLD (registered nurse learning disabilities) and SRN (state registered nurse) etc.

[edit] Second level nurses
See state enrolled nurse for more information.
Second level nurse training is no longer provided, however they are still legally able to practice in the United Kingdom as a nurse. Many have now either retired or undertaken conversion courses to become first level nurses.

[edit] Specialist nurses
The NHS employs a huge variety of specialist nurses. These nurses have many years of experience in their field, in addition to extra education and training (see below).
They split into several major groups:

Nurse practitioners - these nurses carry out care at an advanced practice level. They often perform roles similar to those of doctors. They commonly work in primary care (e.g. GP surgeries) or A&E departments, although they are increasingly being seen in other areas of practice.

Specialist community public health nurses - traditionally district nurses and health visitors, this group of practitioners now includes many school nurses and occupational health nurses.

Clinical nurse specialists - nurses undertaking these roles commonly provide clinical leadership and education for the staff nurses working in their department, and may also have special skills or knowledge which ward nurses can draw upon.

Nurse consultants - these nurses are similar in many ways to the clinical nurse specialist, but at a higher level. These practitioners are responsible for clinical education and training of those in their department, and many also have active research and publication activities.

Lecturer-practitioners - these nurses work both in the NHS, and in universities. They typically work for 2-3 days per week in each setting. In university, they train pre-registration student nurses (see below), and often teach on specialist courses for post-registration nurses (e.g. a Lecturer-practitioner in critical care may teach on a Masters degree in critical care nursing).

Lecturers - these nurses are not employed by the NHS. Instead they work full time in universities, both teaching and performing research.

[edit] Managers
Many nurses who have worked in clinical settings for a long time choose to leave clinical nursing and join the ranks of the NHS management. This used to be seen as a natural career progression for those who had reached ward management positions, however with the advent of specialist nursing roles (see above), this has become a less attractive option.
Nonetheless, many nurses fill positions in the senior management structure of NHS organisations, some even as board members. Others choose to stay a little closer to their clinical roots by becoming clinical nurse managers or modern matrons

[edit] Nurse education

[edit] Pre-registration
In order to become a registered nurse, and work as such in the NHS, one must complete a program recognised by the Nursing and Midwifery Council. Currently, this involves completing a degree or diploma, available from a range of universities offering these courses, in the chosen branch speciality (see below), leading to both an academic award and professional registration as a 1st level registered nurse. Such a course is a 50/50 split of learning in university (i.e. through lectures, essays and examinations) and in practice (i.e. supervised patient care within a hospital or community setting).

These courses are three (occasionally four) years' long. The first year is known as the common foundation program (CFP), and teaches the basic knowledge and skills required of all nurses. The remainder of the program consists of training specific to the student's chosen branch of nursing. These are:
Adult nursing.
Child nursing.
Mental health nursing.
Learning disabilities nursing.
Midwifery training is similar in length and structure, but is sufficiently different that it is not considered a branch of nursing. There are shortened (18 month) programmes to allow nurses already qualified in the adult branch to hold dual registration as a nurse and a midwife.

Shortened courses lasting 2 years also exist for graduates of other disciplines to train as nurses. This is achieved by more intense study and a shortening of the common foundation program.[2]
Student nurses currently receive a bursary from the government to support them during their nurse training. Diploma students in England receive a non-means-tested bursary of around £6000 per year (with additional allowances for mature students or those with dependent children), whereas degree students have their bursary means tested (and so often receive less). Degree students are, however, eligible for a proportion of the government's student loan, unlike diploma students.
In Scotland, however, all student nurses regardless of which course they are undertaking, receive the same bursary in line with the English diploma amount. In Wales only the Degree level course is offered and all nursing students therefore receive a non-means-tested bursary.
Before Project 2000, nurse education was the responsibility of hospitals and was not based in universities; hence many nurses who qualified prior to these reforms do not hold an academic award.

[edit] Post-registration
After the point of initial registration, there is an expectation that all qualified nurses will continue to update their skills and knowledge. The Nursing and Midwifery Council insists on a minimum of 35 hours of education every three years, as part of its post registration education and practice (PREP) requirements.[citation needed]
There are also opportunities for many nurses to gain additional clinical skills after qualification. Cannulation, venepuncture, intravenous drug therapy and male catheterisation are the most common, although there are many others (such as advanced life support) which some nurses will undertake.

Many nurses who qualified with a diploma choose to upgrade their qualification to a degree by studying part time. Many nurses prefer this option to gaining a degree initially, as there is often an opportunity to study in a specialist field as a part of this upgrading. Financially, in England, it is also much more lucrative, as diploma students get the full bursary during their initial training, and employers often pay for the degree course as well as the nurse's salary.[citation needed]
In order to become specialist nurses (such as nurse consultants, nurse practitioners etc.) or nurse educators, some nurses undertake further training above bachelors degree level. Masters degrees exist in various healthcare related topics, and some nurses choose to study for PhDs or other higher academic awards. District nurses and health visitors are also considered specialist nurses, and in order to become such they must undertake specialist training (often in the form of a top up degree (see above) or post graduate diploma).

All newly qualifying district nurses and Health Visitors are trained to prescribe from the Nurse Prescribers' Formulary, a list of medications and dressings typically useful to those carrying out these roles. Many of these (and other) nurses will also undertake training in independent and supplementary prescribing, which allows them (as of May 1st 2006) to prescribe almost any drug in the British National Formulary. This has been the cause of a great deal of debate in both medical and nursing circles.[citation needed]

[edit] United States
The scope of practice of registered nurses is the extent to and limits of which an RN may practice. In the United States, these limits are determined by a set of laws known as the Nurse Practice Act of the state or territory in which an RN is licensed. Each state has its own laws, rules, and regulations governing nursing care. Usually the making of such rules and regulations is delegated to a state board of nursing, which performs day-to-day administration of these rules, qualifies candidates for licensure, licenses nurses and nursing assistants, and makes decisions on nursing issues. It should be noted that in some states the terms "nurse" or "nursing" may only be used in conjunction with the practice of a Registered Nurse(RN)or licensed practical or vocational nurse (LPN/LVN).

The scope of practice for a registered nurse is wider than for an LPN/LVN because of the level and content of education as well as what the Nurse Practice Act says about the respective roles of each.

In the hospital setting, registered nurses are often assigned a role to delegate tasks performed by LPNs and unlicensed assistive personnel such as nursing assistants.
RNs are not limited to employment as bedside nurses. Registered nurses are employed by physicians, attorneys, insurance companies, private industry, school districts, ambulatory surgery centers, among others. Some registered nurses are independent consultants who work for themselves, while others work for large manufacturers or chemical companies. Research Nurses conduct or assist in the conduct of research or evaluation (outcome and process) in many areas such as biology, psychology, human development, and health care systems. The average salary for a staff RN in the United States in 2007 was over $50,000.

[edit] Educational and licensure requirements

[edit] Two-year college degree
In the United States, there are three routes to initial licensure as a registered nurse. The shortest path (and the most widely utilized) is a two-year Associate of Science in Nursing, a two-year college degree referred to as an ADN; this is the most common initial preparation for licensure in the U.S. Often in competitive metropolitan areas within the US, two-year programs can require several prerequisite courses which ultimately stretch out the degree-acquiring process to about 3 or, sometimes, even 4 years.

[edit] Hospital diploma program
Another method is to attend a diploma program, which lasts approximately three years. Students take between 30 and 60 credit hours in anatomy, physiology, microbiology, nutrition, chemistry, and other subjects at a college or university, then move on to intensive nursing classes. Until 1996, most RNs in the US were initially educated in nursing by diploma programs.[3]

[edit] The Bachelor of Science in Nursing
The third method is to obtain a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, a four-year degree that also prepares nurses for graduate-level education. For the first two years in a BSN program, students usually obtain general education requirements in the same manner as ADN and diploma graduates; they spend the remaining time in nursing courses. Advocates for the ADN and diploma programs state that such programs have a more "hands-on" approach to educating students, while the BSN is an academic degree that emphasizes research and nursing theory. Nursing schools must be accredited by either the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC) or the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE).

[edit] The Master's Entry Program
There is a relatively new method to obtain an RN, through a Master's of Science in Nursing program. This type of program combines the state Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) education requirements to obtain an RN with the education necessary to receive an MSN. The requirements to enter this type of program are that a student has an undergraduate degree in a nursing or related field and has completed the prerequisites required by a standard RN program. The student graduates with the ability to take the state boards to receive an RN, a Master's degree and often an advanced practice certification.

[edit] Licensure examination
Completion of any one of these three educational routes allows a graduate nurse to take the NCLEX-RN, the test for licensure as a registered nurse, and is accepted by every state as an adequate indicator of minimum competency for a new graduate. However, controversy exists over the appropriate entry-level preparation of RNs. Some professional organizations believe the BSN should be the sole method of RN preparation and ADN graduates should be licensed as "technical nurses" to work under the supervision of BSN graduates. Others feel the hands-on skill of diploma and ADN graduates makes up for any deficiency in theoretical preparation. Regardless of this debate, it is highly unlikely that the BSN will become the standard for initial preparation any time soon, because of the nursing shortage and the lack of faculty to teach BSN students.

[edit] Graduate nursing opportunities
Advanced education in nursing is done at the masters and doctoral levels. A Master of Science in Nursing or a Master of Nursing takes about three years of full-time study to complete and prepares the graduate for specialization as a nurse practitioner, a clinical nurse leader (CNL), a certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA), or a clinical nurse specialist (CNS). Nurse practitioners work in fields as diverse as midwifery, family practice, psychiatry, gerentology, or pediatrics, while a CNS usually works for a facility to improve patient care, do research, or as a staff educator. Doctoral programs in nursing prepare the student for work in nursing education, health care administration, clinical research, or advanced clinical practice. Most programs confer the Ph.D in nursing, but some confer the Doctor of Nursing Science (DNS or DNSc), Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), Doctor of Science in Nursing (DSN), or the Doctor of Education (Ed. D.). Doctoral programs take from three to five years of full-time study to complete.

[edit] Nursing board certification
Professional nursing organizations, through their certification boards, have voluntary certification exams to demonstrate clinical competency in their particular specialty. Completion of the prerequisite work experience allows an RN to register for an examination, and passage gives an RN permission to use a professional designation after their name. For example, passage of the American Association of Critical-care Nurses specialty exam allows a nurse to use the initials 'CCRN' after his or her name. Other organizations and societies have similar procedures.
The American Nurses Credentialing Center, the credentialing arm of the American Nurses Association, is the largest nursing credentialing organization and administers more than 30 specialty examinations.[4]


* United Kingdom Government Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors Act, 1997. London: HMSO, 1997.
* Nursing and Midwifery Council Pre-registration training. London: NMC, 2003.
* American Nurses Association. "Nursing Facts: Today's Registered Nurse - Numbers and Demographics" Washington, D.C., American Nurses Association, 2006.
* American Nurses Credentialing Center. "ANCC Certification" Washington, D.C., American Nurses Association, 2006.
* Anderson, Carole A. "The Nurse Ph.D.: A Vital Profession Needs Leaders" Thomson-Peterson's,2006.
* Wikipidia

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kemanakah Arah Profesi Keperawatan di Indonesia???

Di masa datang, tuntutan kebutuhan pelayanan kesehatan termasuk pelayanan keperawatan akan terus meningkat baik dalam aspek mutu maupun keterjangkauan serta cakupan pelayanan. Hal ini disebabkan meningkatnya kesadaran masyarakat akan kesehatan yang diakibatkan meningkatnya kesadaran masyarakat secara umum, dan peningkatan daya emban ekonomi masyarakat serta meningkatnya komplesitas masalah kesehatan yang dihadapi masyarakat (Gartinah, 2008).Perkembangan keperawatan bukan saja karena adanya pergeseran masalah kesehatan di masyarakat, akan tetapi juga adanya tekanan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi keperawatan serta perkembangan profesi keperawatan dalam menghadapi era globalisasi (Gartinah, 2008).
Sejalan dengan berkembangnya profesi keperawatan, di negara lain berbagai jenis pendidikan yang menawarkan untuk menjadi Registered Nurse (RN) (perawat terdaftar) juga ikut berkembang. Pada awalnya sekolah-sekolah keperawatan milik rumah sakit dikembangkan untuk mendidik perawat yang ingin bekerja di rumah sakit tersebut. Karena keperawatan secara terus-menerus mengembangkan keilmuannya, proses pendidikan formal dikembangkan keilmuannya, proses pendidikan formal dikembangkan untuk menyakinkan konsistensi dari tingkat pendidikan dalam institusi. Konsistensi tersebut juga dibutuhkan untuk mendapatkan sertifikat RN.
Keperawatan sebagai sumberdaya strategis yang merupakan bagian integral dari pembangunan yang dimiliki bangsa Indonesia, belum dikembangkan ke arah professional yang mampu bersaing ditingkat global. Kondisi perawat Indonesia saat ini, belum memiliki leveling yang terstandar berupa Registered Nurse (RN), Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) dan Nurse Aides (NA) atau lebih dikenal dengan istilah pembantu perawat atau care giver. Jumlah perawat Indonesia yang sangat besar sangat ini yaitu 1,2 juta lebih termasuk yang berada di luar negeri, bukanlah jaminan bahwa perawat kita unggul. Belajar dari pengalaman perawat Indonesia yang dikirim ke Jepang, mereka semua bekerja sebagai “Kaigofuku shishi” atau Care Giver dan bukan sebagai Kanghoshi atau Perawat yang berstandar Registered Nurse (RN). Hal ini berdampak pula kepada penghasilan, untuk care giver rata-rata 10 juta perbulan dan perawat (Kanghoshi) minimal 24 juta perbulan. Pertanyaan : Mengapa kita, di Indonesia tidak melakukan sertifikasi RN untuk perawat kita sebelum ke Jepang ?
Perawat Indonesia yang ingin mendapatkan sertifikasi RN dapat melakukannya di negara lain, misalnya: di hongkong, singapura atau negara tempat kerja mereka. Biaya yang di keluarkan untuk uji sertifikasi RN di negara lain sangat mahal karena bisa mencapai 26 juta, itu sudah termasuk biaya akomodasinya . Bagi perawat, biaya tersebut sangatlah besar, apalagi gaji di dalam negeri yang begitu rendah, untuk kehidupan keluarga saja masih kurang. Sehingga banyak yang menggunakan cara dengan bekerja di timur tengah, sebagian gaji mereka dikirim untuk keluarga, sebagian lagi di tabung untuk biaya uji sertifkasi RN.
Berbagai upaya di lakukan oleh perawat untuk bersertifikat RN, karena perbandingan gaji seorang registered Nurse (RN) dengan hanya Lisence Practical Nursing (LPN) sangatlah jauh. Gaji Registered Nurse di Kwait / timur tengah bisa mencapai 60 – 90 juta rupiah perbulan sedangkan perawat Indonesia yaang dikirim di negara tersebut hanya mendapat gaji sebesar 10-15 juta perbulan, hanya karena belum bersertifikat RN. Di USA sangatlah menarik lagi, gaji pertama perawat yang bersertifikat RN minimal sebesar $ 25 USA perjam, sedangkan gaji perawat yang belum bersertifikat RN hanya $ 7 USA jam .Dapat terlihat begitu besar perbedaannya.
Sangat disayangkan sekali, bila potensi dan keinginan untuk maju para perawat tidak mendapat dukungan dari pemerintah khususnya Organisasi profesi keperawatan. Perawat Indonesia yang ingin bersertifikat RN harus uji RN di negara lain, padahal seharusnya dapat dilakukan di negaranya sendiri bila Indonesia mengembangkan sistem sertifikasi RN.
Dengan sama sekali tidak bermaksud menggurui maupun merasa paling tahu mana yang paling benar, sudah seharusnya Indonesia mengembangkan sistem sertifikasi RN. Dengan adanya sertifikasi RN, dapat meningkatkan harkat martabat bangsa khususnya perawat. Dalam Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) on Nursing Services yang ditandatangani 8 Desember 2006 di Cebu oleh negara anggota ASEAN termasuk Indonesia, dijelaskan bahwa Perawat Profesional adalah seorang yang telah menyelesaikan pendidikan keperawatan dan mampu melakukan praktik klinik keperawatan (di RS dan Komunitas) yang ditunjukan oleh Sertifikat RN (Registered Nurse) yang dikeluarkan oleh badan regulator yang diakui di negara yang bersangkutan. Badan regulator untuk keperawatan Indonesia disepakati adalah Depkes RI atau pada tingkat provinsi adalah Dinas Kesehatan.
Kita tidak melakukan Sertifikasi RN, karena kita belum mengembangkan sistem sertifikasi RN. Mengembangkan SERTIFIKASI RN DI INDONESIA, bukanlah suatu hal yang sulit apalagi mustahil. Indonesia hanya perlu, organisasi profesi pengusung system sertifikasi RN, Standar Kompetensi RN, Lembaga Registrasi Profesi RN dan dukungan Negara. Bersama Kita Bisa melakukan Sertifikasi RN di Indonesia, bahkan termasuk untuk perawat luar negeri yang akan bekerja di Indonesia ataupun hanya mengambil RN di Indonesia.

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